About us
Innovative logistics projects deliver a substantial contribution to the speed of innovation in our country. However, we can accelerate the innovations if we disseminate the research results better, wider and more in detail so that we can innovate together. Until now we observe that ‘innovate together’ mainly takes place in projects, but not between projects. Imagine what can happen if we fully share knowledge before, during and after a project? Or we make the results of a project publicly available to stimulate next innovations? Or even more exiting, what would happen if SMB companies in The Netherlands, schools and public authorities would share knowledge and experiences? Would this lead to the next acceleration of our innovation cycle? Great ideas coming together in the Platform Service Logistics (PSL): a data library to enable knowledge acquisition and to be the foundation of further cooperation in the exciting service logistics domain. The Topsector Logistiek, TKI Dinalog, SLF, universities and businesses have worked together to create this platform to share to the extent possible all research results. For remarks, additions or questions please feel free to contact us at:[email protected]